CoderDojo RTP – October 6, 2019

Who is faster DASH or a BB8???????????????????????

4Q Dojo schedule and special events

  • Oct 6: micro:bit (
  • Oct 20: App Inventor
  • Nov 3: PARTY, PARTY – parents – please RSVP and sign up for the potluck on-line.  Also, sign up here for your pizza choices and put your money in the collection cup
  • Nov 17: HTML/CSS
  • Dec 1: Take your website live with Github
  • Dec 15: Blender 3D snowman

CoderDojo USA BOO challengeBOO stands for Bats, Orange, and October! What does that mean? We want encourage young people to make a Scratch game, website, app, hardware or any other coded project that includes bats, the colour orange, or something related to the month of October!  Entries due 11/12/19.

Note: CoderDojo RTP participants have won 2 of the previous USA challenges.  Great prizes!  Let’s do lots of entries and keep bringing home the wins!


This is the easiest coolest projects since you all have already made games – Shark eats fish, alex’s challenge, turtle races, Python Guessing Game, micro:bit rock/paper/scizzors, blackjack, etc, etc.  Find one of your games and polish it up, or create a new game (a BOO game perhaps?)

  1. Everyone can enter up to 2 games into the Party competition
    • 1 game played individually or by 2 people (ie catch the fish, or rock/paper/scizzors)
    • 1 game we can all play together during the demo (ie turtle races)
  2. Club members will come to your “station” to play your game
    1. Have a poster (sheet of paper) with your name, the name of the game, and reference to instructions you used (ie sushi cards) or the game you based off.  If you modified an existing game, please be prepared to show the original (on request) and talk about the cool changes you made.
    2. Give an attendance drawing ticket to each person who plays your game (one per person) whether they win or lose (but they have to try:-)
    3. Optionally, keep track of everyone who has played and their scores
    4. Before the prizes drawing, you will have 2 more tickets to award to people who played your game.  Kids or adults.  You decide WHO!  Perhaps the person with the highest score, or the person who played the most, or the person with the best suggestions, or, you can always just randomly pick someone.
  3. During the party, everyone will go around and play each others games.  Make sure you are with your game most of the time, but you’ll want to play others too.
  4. At the end, we will all vote for the coolest game.

Badges drawing

  • If you don’t have your badges and you want to be in the drawing, come talk to me about how to earn them.  If you haven’t done micro:bit, come work with me today.  If you haven’t done App Inventor, we’ll do that next session
    • Note: my record keeping was worse than I realized, so anyone who has the right number of badges on the Badges list is in the drawing this year.  This includes: Tucker, Isaiah, Brayan, Jacob, Himanish, Alex, James, Ethan, Phillip, and Andrew.  Many others just need 1 more.


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